46th Annual Prairie Villa Rendezvous

46th Annual Prairie Villa Rendezvous

46th Annual Prairie Villa Rendezvous On June 15-18 come enjoy life as it was in the 1840s when Prairie du Chien was the hub of fur trading. This is the largest reenactment in the Mid-west and is open and free to the public. Located on St. Feriole Island along the...
350th Expedition Anniversary

350th Expedition Anniversary

The Prairie du Chien Main Street is proud to present the Marquette & Jolliet 350th Expedition Anniversary. There will be a variety of activities and events going on throughout the year leading up to the actual celebration scheduled for June 16-18,...
Bald Eagle Appreciation Days

Bald Eagle Appreciation Days

Prairie du Chien Bald Eagle Appreciation Days Friday and Saturday, February 24-25th, free programs and open to the public.
Native American Boarding Schools and Cemeteries

Native American Boarding Schools and Cemeteries

Join Ranger Grace Trenkamp at the Villa Louis Fur Trade Museum in Prairie du Chien, WI on Sunday, August 14th from 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM for her talk: Native American Boarding Schools and Cemeteries (Midwest). This event is part of the History of the Driftless-Villa Louis...