The warm nights ahead are a great time to get to know the night sky. There are plenty of stargazers in the Lower Wisconsin Valley and beyond who keep telescopes and would be happy to share a look with you. If you have been meaning to explore our starry skies, this is your summer.
Iowa County Astronomers have monthly meetings on May 6, June 3, July 1, August 5, September 2, and October 7. There’s usually an indoor presentation, and then we head over to Bethel Horizons to view the skies with a wonderful 17 inch Dobsonian telescope. Everyone is always welcome. It’s an excellent time to try out different telescopes and ask questions. See for monthly updates. ICA will also be sharing a public program at Governor Dodge in August.
Universe in the Park expands the Wisconsin Idea by making the boundaries of the university not just the boundaries of the state but the boundaries of the universe. UW-Madison astronomy students visit state parks to give talks, answer questions, and share telescope viewing. They will do several programs at Governor Dodge and Blue Mounds and at state parks across the state. Full schedule is at their website.
Northwest Suburban Astronomers will be at Wildcat Mountain on July 30, 8-10pm. This friendly group escapes the light pollution of their homes outside Chicago to enjoy the dark skies of our Driftless Area. For over a week, they create an astronomy village in the group campground where they welcome the public for a night of memorable stargazing through their amazing telescopes, This year’s topic is solar eclipses, especially the solar eclipse visible in the United States in August 2017.
Kickapoo Valley Reserve offers dark skies and will be having a Solstice Stargaze on June 18 and a Perseid Meteor Shower Party on August 12. Enjoy hiking or canoeing during the day and astronomy at night.
Starsplitters of Wyalusing has public programs at Wyalusing State Park on May 28, June 4, July 9, August 6, September 10, and October 1. The evening begins with an indoor presentation in the Huser Astronomy Center and then goes outdoors to explore the sky with their fine collection of telescopes.
While you are looking ahead to summer stargazing, don’t miss the sky events of May. There will be a meteor shower (Eta Aquarids) on May 5. That’s close to the New Moon, so skies should be dark. Mercury crosses the face of the Sun on May 9. You can marvel at this transit with Iowa County Astronomers at Governor Dodge (Twin Valley Picnic Site) from sunrise to 2pm. Look for Jupiter near the Waxing Gibbous Moon on May 14. Mars and Earth will be at their closest (just 47 million miles on May 30) since 2005. Mars rises with Scorpius just after dusk and is bright and beautiful all night long. Mars, Saturn, and the Moon will all be clustered together the nights of May 21 and 22. Enjoy the views!
John Heasley is an astronomy educator and stargazer who enjoys connecting people with the cosmos. He volunteers with NASA/JPL as a Solar System Ambassador. For more information about stargazing in southwest WI, like Driftless Stargazing LLC on Facebook and find out whenever there’s something awesome happening in the skies. Driftless Dark Skies appears monthly in the Voice of the River Valley.