Chaseburg, Wisconsin
Chaseburg, located on Highway 162 not far from State Highway 14/61, is a little village with a big distinction. Because of its topography, it’s truly split-level. The two sections also represent the two points of settlement by early pioneers, with Norwegians in the valley and Germans on the ridge. Lower Chaseburg has faced flooding challenges because it is almost like an island, surrounded by Coon Creek and only accessible via three bridges.
Regardless of level, you will find today’s residents friendly, hardworking, and eager to please. The village is at the hub of many snowmobile routes, and hosts an annual festival, Chaseburg Trail Days, on the third weekend of January. The town also noted for its bountiful trout streams and excellent hunting opportunities, plus taverns and restaurants that offer riders, sportsmen, or any visitor great food and warm hospitality.
For further information, contact the Chaseburg Village Clerk—(608) 483-2660

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