Driftless Dark Skies: Summer Triangle

As darkness falls this month, watch for three shining stars emerging in the east. They are the brightest stars in three separate constellations, but together they form an asterism (a star pattern) known as the Summer Triangle. They cover an area of sky larger than...

Driftless Dark Skies: Summer Stargazing

The warm nights ahead are a great time to get to know the night sky. There are plenty of stargazers in the Lower Wisconsin Valley and beyond who keep telescopes and would be happy to share a look with you. If you have been meaning to explore our starry skies, this...

Spring has arrived in Driftless Wisconsin

Spring has arrived in Driftless Wisconsin. Yes, the calendar has turned to April, but nature shows little obligation to schedules. We have seen winter sneak into April before. So we look for signs. Out for my walk up the hill, I found sufficient evidence of spring’s...

Photographing Scenery in Driftless Wisconsin

We had arrived home after our vacation when we first saw it standing on the western horizon; a shaft of light rising skyward from where the sun had just set. The Driftless area, with a topography sculpted from earth by water over time, generally needs no further...

Driftless Winter Sports

Winter time in the Driftless Wisconsin region means outdoor activities. Once the snow flies, a Driftless winter is filled with skiing, snowshoeing, and snowmobiling opportunities. Some places just about plumb shut down once that heavy, white blanket of snow hits...
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